Selected Talks

Krause, G., Avila, A., Gualdrón, E. (2023, August 1-4). Formación de maestros: Experiencias interculturales y de internacionalización desde la clase de didáctica de las matemáticas. [Paper presentation]. IX Simposio de Docencia Universitaria. Ensenada, Baja California, México.

Gualdrón, E., Krause, G., Avila, A. (2023, July 24-28). Evaluación de las perspectivas después del curso de Didáctica de las Matemáticas en los licenciados en formación frente a las matemáticas y su rol como futuros maestros. [Paper presentation]. Trigésimo sexta Reunión Latinoamericana de Matemática Educativa. Ciudad de México, México.

Gualdrón, E., Avila, A., Krause, G., (2023, July 24-28). Diagnóstico de las percepciones antes del curso de Didáctica de las Matemáticas en los licenciados en formación frente a las matemáticas y su rol como futuros maestros. [Paper presentation]. Trigésimo sexta Reunión Latinoamericana de Matemática Educativa. Ciudad de México, México.

Dominguez, H., Peralta, M., Abreu, S., LópezLeiva, C., Omana Zapata, H., Aguello de Jesús, J., Krause, G. (2023, July 28 – August 2). Animating Mathematical Concepts (and our research). [Paper presentation]. 12th International Conference of Mathematics Education and Society (MES). Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Lanouette, K., Kim, E., & Krause, G. (2023, April 13-16). Fostering subjective understandings: Exploring the role of place and transdisciplinarity in a US teacher education program. [Paper presentation]. 2023 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). Chicago, IL.

Lanouette, K., Kim, E., & Krause, G. (2023, April 13-16). Centering Social Studies in Elementary Education: A Critical Transdisciplinary Approach. [Round Table presentation]. 2023 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). Chicago, IL.

Vanderberg, M., Krause, G, Hung, E., & Skuratowicz, E., (2023, April 13-16). Integrating Computational Thinking into Kindergarten Lessons. [Round Table presentation]. 2023 annual meeting of the American Edu- cational Research Association (AERA). Chicago, IL.

Bertolone-Smith, C., Muson, J., Garner, B., Krause, G., & Saclarides, E., (2023, February 2-4). The landscape of US elementary mathematics teacher education: Course requirements for mathematics content and methods. [Working group presentation]. Twenty-seven annual conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE). New Orlean, LA.

Krause, G., Adams-Corral, M., & Maldonado Rodríguez, L. A., (2023, February 2-4). Ni de aquí ni de allá: Borders in educational spaces. [Working group presentation]. Twenty-seven annual conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE). New Orlean, LA.

Krause, G., Ávila, A., Gualdrón, E. (2022, November 17-21). Maestros, estudiantes, lenguaje y matemáticas: Prácticas pedagógicas para una formación con visión global. [Paper presentation]. Forty-fourth annual meeting 1216 of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME-NA). Nashville, TN.

Hopkins, G. & Krause, G. (2022, April 2). Where is the Language? Mathematics teaching in dual language classrooms. [Paper presentation]. 9th Annual ¡Adelante! Conference for Bilingual & Dual Language Educators, Austin, TX. ¡Adelante!

Krause, G., Silva, J., &  Aguilar, J. (2021). Language: A hidden resource in preparing bilingual pre-service teachers. [Paper presentation]. Forty-second annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Mazatlán, Sin., México. PME-NA

Maldonado, L., Adams-Corral, M., & Krause, G. (2021). Translanguaging moves in elementary mathematics classroom Number Talks: Understanding linguistic repertoires. [Poster presentation]. Forty-second annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Mazatlán, Sin., México. PME-NA

Skuratowicz, E., Vanderberg, M., Hung, E., Krause, G., & Bradley, D. Wilson, J. (2021, March 13-20). I felt like we were actually going somewhere. [Paper presentation]. Presentation at the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education. SIGCSE

Krause, G. (2021, April 8-12). Preparando futurxs maestrxs: Teaching mathematics and supporting bilingualism in the elementary classroom. [Paper presentation]. 2021 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. AERA

Garner, B., Krause, G., Saclarides, E., & Bertolone-Smith, C. (2021, February). Too much to teach in too little time: Sharing strategies for elementary math methods. [Working group presentation]. Twenty-fifth annual conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Virtual Conference. AMTE

Krause, G., & Carrión, P.  (2020, April 17-21). Crisanta, Margarita: Mi nombre, my identity. [Paper presentation]. 2020 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA. AERA (Conference canceled).

Krause, G., & Colegrove, K. (2020, April 17-21). Developing equitable and open communication between Latino immigrant parents and the mathematics classroom. [Paper presentation]. 2020 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA. AERA (Conference canceled).

Krause, G.  (2020, April 17-21). Bilingual teacher candidates analyzing their own practice through videos: How does language influence my teaching? [Paper presentation]. 2020 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA. AERA (Conference canceled).

Dunleavy, T., Raygoza, M., Jessup, N., Yeh, C., Krause, G., & Zabala, M. Student and teacher angles: Building a critical mathematics video repository. [Working group presentation]. Twenty-fourth annual conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Phoenix, AZ. AMTE (2020).

Krause, G., Adams, M.*, & Maldonado, L. Translanguaging and mathematics: Recognizing and capitalizing on the brilliance of bilingual children. [Paper presentation]. 2019 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Toronto, Canada. AERA (2019)

Krause, G. &, Jessup, N. Considerations for selecting fraction story problems. [Paper presentation]. Cognitively Guided Instruction National Biennial, Minneapolis, MN. CGI (2019)

Krause, G., Adams, M., & Maldonado, L. A. Pass the idea: Following bilingual mathematics discussions. [Paper presentation]. Forty-first annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, St Louis, MO: University of Missouri. PME-NA (2019)

Krause, G., & Barko-Alva, K. Language and mathematics: Questioning strategies in a dual language bilingual education classroom. [Paper presentation]. Forty-first annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, St Louis, MO: University of Missouri. PME-NA (2019)

Jacobs, V. R.,  Empson, S. B., Jessup, N., Krause, G. The many faces of not having enough time. [Poster presentation]. Forty-first annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, St Louis, MO: University of Missouri. PME-NA (2019)

Maldonado, L. A., Krause, G. &, Adams, M. Theorizing a translanguaging stance: Envisioning an empowering participatory mathematics education juntos con emergent bilingual students. [Paper presentation]. Forty annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Greenville, SC: University of South Carolina. PME-NA (2018)

Silva, J., Krause, G., & Maldonado, L. Explícame tu estrategia: Emergent bilingual’s development of mathematical agency in problem solving discussions. [Poster presentation]. Forty annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Greenville, SC: University of South Carolina. PME-NA (2018)

Empson, S. B., Jacobs, V. R., Krause, G., Pynes, K. D., Jessup, N., &  Hewitt, A. An expanded view of the instructional practice of anticipating children’s mathematical thinking.  [Paper presentation]. 2018 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY. AERA (2018)

Krause, G., Maldonado, L. A., &  Adams, M. ¿Splitiao or Dividido? How best to maximize the use of language in the elementary bilingual classroom. [Paper presentation]. TODOS Mathematics for ALL Conference, Phoenix, AR. TODOS (2018)

Adams, M., Krause, G., & Maldonado, L. A. Seeing and being seen in math. How a humanized mathematics classroom empowers elementary bilingual students. [Paper presentation]. TODOS Mathematics for ALL Conference, Phoenix, AR. TODOS (2018)

Krause, G. and, Empson, S. B. and, Jacobs, V. “Teachers’ Number Choices for Equal Sharing Fraction Problems.” Poster presentation at the 2017 annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the international group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Indianapolis, IN. PME-NA (2017)

Empson, S. and, Jacobs, V. and, Pynes, D. and, Krause, G. and, Jessup, N. and, Hewitt, A. “Using equations to develop children’s fraction thinking.” Presentation at the 9th Cognitively Guided Instruction National Conference, Seattle, WA. CGI (2017)

Hewitt, A. and, Jessup, N. and, Krause, G. and, Pynes, D. and, Jacobs, V. and, Empson, S. “The untapped power of unit fraction quantities for building children’s fraction understanding.” Presentation at the 9th Cognitively Guided Instruction National Conference, Seattle, WA.  CGI (2017)

Krause, G. “In Pre-service Teachers’ Own Voices: Bilinguals’ Lessons for Mathematics Teacher Preparation Programs.” In session: Learning to Teach Mathematics in Bilingual Classrooms: Considering Pre-service Teachers’Past, Present and Future Experiences. Symposium at AERA, San Antonio, TX.  AERA (2017)

Empson, S., Jacobs, V., Krause, G., Jessup, N., Hewitt, A., Pynes, D. “Core Practices in Elementary School Teaching: Anticipating and Noticing Children’s Mathematical Thinking”. Round table session: Curriculum Innovations and Technology in Mathematics. AERA (2017)

Maldonado, L., Krause, G. “¿Cómo lo hiciste?: Revealing Mathematical Ideas in a Dual Language Classroom through a Translanguaging Lens”. Round table session: Translanguaging. AERA (2017)

Jacobs, V., Empson, S., Pynes, D., Hewitt, A., Jessup, N., & Krause, G. Prioritizing Practice in professional development: Anticipating, Noticing, and Questioning Children’s Mathematical Thinking. Poster session: Exploring Varied Approaches to Supporting Responsive Teaching in Science and Mathematics. AERA (2017)

Pynes, D., Krause, G., Empson, S. The underappreciated power of the unit fraction. [Presentation for Research Presession]. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, San Antonio, TX. NCTM (2017).

Krause, G., Empson, S. B., Pynes, K. D., & Jacobs, V.  Teachers’ anticipation of children’s equal sharing strategies from a knowledge-in-pieces perspective. [Paper presentation]. 2016 annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Tucson, AR. PME-NA (2016).

Colegrove, K., & Krause, G. Lo hacen tan complicado: Bridging mathematical understanding of Latino immigrant parents. [Paper presentation]. 2016 annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Tucson, AR. PME-NA (2016).

Maldonado, L. and, Adams, M. and, Krause, G. “Building Number Sense with CGI Problem Types: Examples from a Bilingual Classroom.” Presentation for the 4th Annual ADELANTE! Conference. Austin, TX (2016)

Krause, G. and, Pynes, D. and, Empson, S. “Notating Fractional Relationships”. Presentation for the Eighth Biennial Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) Conference. Los Angeles, CA (2015)

Jacobs, V. and, Empson, S. B. and, Krause G. and, Pynes, D. “Responsive teaching with fractions”. [Presentation for Research Pre-session]. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Boston, MA (2015)