
Krause, G., Velandia, G., (2024). Geometric shapes that sing and move: An interdisciplinary lesson with pre-service teachers. Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, 14(2), 555-567.
DOI: 10.5642/jhummath.ZUFF5632

Krause, G., Avila, A., Aguilar-Forero, N., Cortes-Garcia, C. A. (2024). [Editorial]. Voces y Silencios Revista Latinoamericana de Educacion, 15(2), I-IV.

Avila, A., Krause, G., (2024). “It is in Spanish”: Colaboracion como herramienta de transformacion educativa [Special issue]. Voces y Silencios Revista Latinoamericana de Educacion, 15(2), 83-95.

Krause, G., Funchum, C., Borja, M.E. (2024). What do you do with an idea? Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12, 117(9), 653-657.

Krause, G. (2023). Worlds and Words: Entangling Mathematics, Language, and Context in Newcomer Classrooms. ZDM-Mathematics Education.

Garner, B., Munson, J., Krause, G., Bertolone-Smith, C., Saclarides, E., Vo, A., Lee, H.S. (2023). The landscape of U.S. elementary mathematics teacher education: Course requirements for mathematics content and methods. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education.

Krause, G., Vanderberg, M., E. Hung, E., & Skuratowicz, E. (2023). Computational thinking in a bilingual kindergarten classroom: Emergent ideas for teaching across content areas. Education and Information Technologies.

Krause, G. (2022). The Problem of Words: Learning to Teach Mathematics When Numbers and Languages Mix. Journal of Humanistic Mathematics. 12(1), 281-294.

Krause, G., Adams-Corral, M., & Maldonado Rodriguez, L.A., (2022). Developing awareness around language practices in the elementary bilingual mathematics classroom. Journal of Urban Mathematics Education. 15(2), 8-40.

Saclarides, E., Garner, B., Krause, G., Bertolone-Smith, C., & Munson, J., (2022). Design principles that support course design innovation for elementary mathematics methods courses Mathematics Teacher Educator. 11(1), 9-25. \\

Jacobs, V. R., Empson, S. B., Jessup, N., Dunning, A., Pynes, D., Krause, G., & Franke, T., (2022). Profiles of teachers’ expertise in professional noticing of children’s mathematical thinking. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education.

Jacobs, V. R., Empson, S. B., Case, J., Dunning, A., Jessup, N., Krause, G., & Pynes, D., (2022). A new twist on fraction equations. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education.

Krause, G., & Maldonado Rodríguez, L. A. (2022). Re-considering teaching and learning in the bilingual mathematics classroom. In C. Aquino-Sterling, M. Gort, B. Flores (Eds.) Innovative Curricular and Pedagogical Designs in Bilingual Teacher Education (pp. 137-149). Information Age Publishers (IAP)

Empson, S. B., Krause, G., & Jacobs, V. R. (2021). “I stewed over that number set for like an hour last night”: Purposeful selection of numbers for fraction story problems. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 64.

Krause, G., Maldonado, L. A., & Adams-Corral, M. (2021). Listening to and understanding students’ algorithms. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PreK -12, 114(2), 139-141.

Krause, G., Silva, J., &  Aguilar, J.J. (2020). Bilingual pre-service teachers and their opportunities to learn.  Investigations in Mathematics Learning, 12(4), 289-303.

Krause, G., & Colegrove, K. (2020). Preparing bilingual pre-service teachers to foster equitable and open communication with Latinx immigrant parents en la enseñanza de matemáticas. Teaching for Excellence and Equity in Mathematics, 11(3), 41-49.

Maldonado, L. A., Krause, G., & Adams-Corral, M. (2020). Flowing with the translanguaging corriente: Juntos engaging with and making sense of mathematics. Teaching for Excellence and Equity in Mathematics, 11(2), 17-25.

Empson, S. B., Jacobs, V. R., Jessup, N., Hewitt, A., Pynes, D., & Krause, G. (2020). Unit fractions as superheroes for fraction instruction. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PreK-12, 113(4), 278- 286.

Zavala, M. R., Andres-Salgarino, M. B., de Araujo, Z., Candela, A. G., Krause, G., Lindgren, N., & Sylves, E. (2020). The mo(ve)ment to prioritize antiracist mathematics: Planning for this and every school year. TODOS: Mathematics for All.

Krause, G., & Maldonado, L. A. (2019). Our linguistic and cultural resources: The experiences of bilingual prospective teachers in mathematics autobiographies. In T. G. Bartell, C. Drake, E.E. Turner, J. M. Aguirre, A. Roth McDue, & M. Q. Foote (Eds.), Transforming Mathematics Teacher Education: An Equity-Based Approach, (pp.161-176). Springer.

Jacobs, V. R., Empson, S. B., Pynes, D., Hewitt, A., Jessup, N., & Krause, G. (2019). Responsive teaching in elementary mathematics (RTEM) project. In P. Sztajn & P. H. Wilson (Eds.), Designing professional development for mathematics learning trajectories (pp. 75-103). New York: Teachers College Press.

Colegrove, K., & Krause, G. (2017). “Lo hacen tan complicado”: Bridging the perspectives and expectations of mathematics instruction of Latino immigrant parents. Bilingual Research Journal, 40(2), 187-204.

(Updated 01/18/2023)